frank ocean channel orange

Pyramids x Frank Ocean

Late or not late, this is STILL one of my favorite videos..good effects, way different from every one else’s. It’s what the visuals of an artist should be. Directed by Nabil.

<p><a href=”″>Frank Ocean – Pyramids</a> from <a href=””>Academy Plus (A+)</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

Channel Orange, My way.

With the thick line between bratty and in the streets and having maids to daddy’s car to unloyal friend-foes, Frank Ocean’s recently leaked album shares with the world what’s really going on in his mind. I rate it a A- as far as real R&B lies.

Who in a long time managed to release an album or a mixtape with a true feel of R&B? I’m talking about real love, heartbreak, struggles and overall life defining experiences backed up with beats constructed with simplistic piano, saxophone, guitar and not a glimpse of auto-tune in sight.

Frank is on the come up and only getting better as he grows older. He manages to use his bisexuality in way where both hetero and homo can both relate to love and sex. It’s awesome. A must buy, a must download whatever you guys prefer.